
Around the UK our resource churches have been establishing themselves as centres of mission, joining in God’s work in their towns and cities. They have been training and equipping new leaders to plant into diverse neighbourhoods such as housing estates, villages and suburban enclaves - areas that often have their unique opportunities and challenges. We believe that God is calling us to the margins, and this has become a key priority for us. By the end of the decade, we estimate that almost half of our network will be neighbourhood churches.

Revitalising Neighbourhoods

From St Luke’s in Blackburn, to Christ Church in Gosport, we are playing our part in the local community. By listening deeply and being present, we are building trust, restoring hope and inviting people to life with Jesus.  

Without finding Beacon Church, my husband would still be struggling with his mental health. In a way, (this church) has opened a lot of doors.

Training Leaders

We are training leaders to listen prayerfully to God and others, to take their time to discover where He is already at work in the neighbourhood, and to join in joyfully. 

Contact us

If you’d like to know more, please contact Ben Atkins, our Neighbourhood Innovation Lead.

Stories of Revitalisation