Pray with Us
We’re going all out for this vision, but we know that prayer is the foundation of all we do. Join us as we pray for churches across the nation.
We believe it makes all the difference.
Plants & Revitalisations
Pray for our new and upcoming church plants; for the right buildings to be secured, for renovation works and for new leaders and teams as they prepare to reach the places they are called to.
Pray for each church that they would know God’s will, direction and provision to be able to minister God’s love and power to the communities around them.
Developing Leaders
Pray for our emerging leaders; for those who are on Accelerate, the Peter and Caleb Streams – for them to be envisioned, anointed, and equipped for their future ministry.
Pray for these leaders and their families, to stay strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit, to lead well and to teach and pastor all those in their care.
Pray for their own relationship with Jesus, that they would continue to receive the gift of faith daily to be able to point others to God in all they do.
Network Support
Pray for the Network churches; for ongoing wisdom, courage, and strength as they lead churches in complex times; that Revitalise Trust would continue to resource churches to play their part in the transformation of society.
Pray that the HTB Network would continue to be a source of strength to many, and that the unity of these churches across the UK, and further afield would together be a bright light to the nation.
Social Transformation
Pray for cities and communities across this country; that churches and plants can recognise the needs of the most vulnerable and show the love of Jesus in practical ways to those around them.
Pray for avenues and in-roads into the places of real need. Pray that churches would see how they can be the ‘hands and feet’ of Jesus in the places they are called to be, and that many lives would be changed through the love and hope of Jesus.